The first in what has become a legendary series of crime books, Sleepyhead introduces us to the tortured yet complex Detective Inspector Tom Thorne, a cop battling his demons. The case begins when a few young women die from a stroke and they realise there is a twisted killer on the loose. When one of the victims Alison Willetts is found alive, D.I. Tom Thorne has more to work with. It's a fast-paced thriller, that I promise will keep you guessing until the end. Hello Tom, I want to read more.
A stunning 20th anniversary paperback edition of the groundbreaking first Tom Thorne novel, a case that changed crime fiction forever . . .
Alison Willetts has survived a stroke, deliberately induced by a skilful manipulation of pressure points on the head and neck. She can see, hear and feel but she is completely unable to move or communicate. In leaving Alison Willetts alive, the police believe the killer's made his first mistake.
Then DI Tom Thorne discovers the horrifying truth: it isn't Alison who is the mistake, it's the three women already dead.
Thorne must find a killer whose agenda is disturbingly unique, and Alison, the one person who holds the key to the killer's identity, is unable to say anything . . .
'One of my favourite authors' Harlan Coben
'A terrifically stylish debut novel' Independent on Sunday