This beloved novel tells the story of Edmond Dantès, wrongfully imprisoned for life in the supposedly impregnable sea fortress, the Château d'If. After a daring escape and after unearthing a hidden treasure revealed to him by a fellow prisoner, he devotes the rest of his life to tracking down and punishing the enemies who wronged him. This extraordinary story, set against the dramatic upheavals of the years after Napoleon, is more than an adventure story. It is an epic of justice, retribution, and self-discovery matched only by Les Misérables in the France of its time.
ISBN: | 9780593081501 |
Publication date: | 3rd June 2020 |
Author: | Alexandre Dumas |
Publisher: | Vintage Books |
Format: | Paperback |
Pagination: | 1188 pages |
Series: | Vintage Classics |