This dark, imaginative and original literary thriller has a cleverly woven story with a tension that grows by the chapter. With some very human angels to help three unlikely individuals brought together to fight a world threatening evil. It takes a while to get going and to get into the three different main characters but it's well worth it.
Jay Harper finds himself in Switzerland on the trail of a missing Olympic athlete. A hard drinker, he can barely remember how he got home last night, let alone why he accepted this job. When he meets the stunning but aloof Katherine in a hotel bar, he quickly realises that he's not the only one in town who's for hire. She's a high-class hooker who can't believe her luck. Which is about to change. For the worse. In the meantime, Marc Rochat spends his time in the belfry talking to the statues, his cat and the occasional ghost. His job is to watch over Lausanne at night and to wait for the angel his mother told him he'd one day have to save. When he sees Katherine, he thinks his moment has come. Which indeed it has. But not in a good way...
Jon Steele was born in the American west and worked as an award winning cameraman/editor for ITN for more than twenty years. He has travelled and worked through seventy-eight countries across six continents. War Junkie, his autobiography of a life behind the camera in some of the worst places on earth, was published in 2002 by Transworld and has become a cult classic of war reportage. In 2003, while in Baghdad at the start of the Iraq war, he became disillusioned with television news, put his camera on the ground and quit. He hid out in a small village in the south of France, writing and taking long walks in quiet places. He went back alone to Iraq in 2008 and lived for three months with an American combat unit, recording their lives for the breakthrough documentary film, The Baker Boys: Inside the Surge. He currently lives in Switzerland with his Jordanian-born wife and their two cats, Zeus and Zorro.