Venture into a world beyond the ordinary, where the dark passions and voracious appetites of vampires, werewolves, demons, and a few undaunted mortals combine to unleash a potent spell...
Here are lovers to tempt the imagination: Eyes that glitter with keenness born of ancient knowledge. Hands that move with a tenderness belying superhuman strength. Inviting smiles that reveal exquisitely lethal fangs. Rippling, leonine muscles. There's danger in the air...and heat.
In Emma Holly's The Countess's Dancing Boy, a lower-class demon and a lonely widowed countess share a week of unbridled passion that evolves into more than they anticipated.
ISBN: | 9780425206157 |
Publication date: | 1st November 2005 |
Author: | Emma Holly |
Publisher: | Berkley an imprint of Penguin Publishing Group |
Format: | Paperback |
Pagination: | 394 pages |