"The most wonderfully fiery and provocative relationship story focusing on Bridgerton’s Queen Charlotte and King George III. "
This astute, thought-provoking, and hugely entertaining novel sits separately to, and is set some 50 years prior to the roaringly successful Bridgerton series. In 1761 Charlotte and George meet and marry on the same day then immediately move to different houses, how are they to consummate their marriage when the King refused to spend time with his Queen? Bestselling author Julia Quinn and award-winning television creator, producer and author Shonda Rhimes have come together to create the most wonderfully lavish, yet provocative story, they say: “It is not a history lesson. It is fiction inspired by fact. All liberties take by the authors are quite intentional. Enjoy”. Enjoy I did, tremendously! This was my first foray into the Bridgerton world, this particular story focuses on mental health, prejudice, and abuse as well as friendship and different forms of love. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Charlotte, she is fierce and bright as she struggles to understand this new land she has been abandoned in. I found myself tuning into her thoughts, snorting at her comments, feeling her pain, and rejoicing in her wins as she stepped forth into battle. As well as a lightness of touch, there is a darkness to be found which is embraced as it challenges thoughts and feelings. The descriptions glow, the personalities provoke, and the plot spins to a touching conclusion. We celebrate LoveReading Star Book Queen Charlotte as it combines a sumptuous and swirling tapestry of threads into the most visually and mentally stunning tale.
Primary Genre | Romance / Relationship Stories |
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