In the Full Light of the Sun follows the fortunes of three Berliners caught up in a devastating scandal of 1930s' Germany. It tells the story of Emmeline, a wayward, young art student; Julius, an anxious, middle-aged art expert; and a mysterious art dealer named Rachmann who are at the heart of Weimar Berlin at its hedonistic, politically turbulent apogee and are whipped up into excitement over the surprising discovery of thirty-two previously unknown paintings by Vincent van Gogh.
Based on a true story, unfolding through the subsequent rise of Hitler and the Nazis, this gripping tale is about beauty and justice, and the truth that may be found when our most treasured beliefs are revealed as illusions.
Brilliant on authenticity, vanity and self-delusion, it is a novel for our times.
ISBN: | 9780349010809 |
Publication date: | 6th February 2020 |
Author: | Clare Clark |
Publisher: | Virago an imprint of Little, Brown |
Format: | Paperback |
Pagination: | 424 pages |
Genres: |
Second World War fiction |