Daisy has created a book for the whole family, making rainy days enjoyable! It is empowering as a Mum to know with every game you are helping your children build knowledge and skills. - Emma Jaulin, MumTalk Podcast
I want to recommend this brilliant book called Five Minute Mum by the lovely Daisy Upton. She basically came up with 150 different activities you can do with your kids that take five minutes to set up and five minutes to put away. - Tova Leigh
So many fab ideas in here! Love it. - Rosie Ramsey
This book is amazing. The book has 100s of the easiest best ideas! Honestly it's AMAZING. I think everyone should have this book. - Liv Lewis, Ultimate Girl Gang
About Daisy Upton
Daisy Upton is a Londoner who now lives in Cheshire with her husband and two children. After years of working in sports broadcasting she quit her job to become a Teaching Assistant, which her colleagues at the time found baffling! When her two children turned 3 and 1 she found her love of coming up with silly games to make learning more fun in the classroom finally came into its own at home, and she began blogging about what she was up to. It turned out quite a few other people wanted to play these games too. Daisy now has a large social media and blog following who share with her on a daily basis how they too are playing her games. Daisy likes to celebrate this fact by eating large quantities of chocolate oranges and creme eggs (season dependant), and dancing in the kitchen.