In this, another brilliant installment of Rachel Riley’s hilarious diaries, join her in her no-nonsense, fact-based approach to life. Just when she thought she had finally found her knight in shining skinny jeans i.e. the ONE, an accidental snog with part-time rock god Justin Statham puts the skids on it. So enough is enough! It's time for Rachel to wake up and smell the coffee (or at least the hot chocolate) and forget about romance and fairytale happy endings. Rachel commits to concentrate only on cold hard facts from now on. Perhaps new grown-up-ness will even win the heart of fabulous older man . . . But nothing in Rachel’s life ever goes to plan or does it this time?
Just when I thought had finally found knight in shining skinny jeans i.e. the ONE, i.e. Jack, knight gets all minty. It's all about matter of accidental snog with part-time rock god Justin Statham. Even though have explained was utterly in name of scientific experiment. Enough is enough! It's time for me to wake up and smell the coffee (or at least the hot chocolate) and forget about romance and fairytale happy endings. Will concentrate only on cold hard facts from now on. Perhaps new grown-up-ness will even win the heart of fabulous older man ...Find out just how Rachel gets on with her no-nonsense, fact-based approach to life in this fabulous sixth instalment of her diaries.
Joanna Nadin has had a varied and interesting career including writing John Prescott's parliamentary agony column and working as a Special Advisor to the Prime Minister. She left Downing Street in 2005 and is now a freelance government scriptwriter and writer. Joanna has previously written children’s titles for Walker Books but this is her first book for the teenage market. Inspiration came from her own tragically normal life in Saffron Walden. She now lives in Bath with her husband and daughter Amelia.