Sequel to the brilliant and unusual The Magicians, picking up a few years later. Quentin is a happy King in the Narnia-like land of Fillory, but quests and adventure will not leave him alone, landing him back in our world with no preparation or warning, and no idea what to do. We re-meet many of the characters of the first book and get deeper into the whole dual world phenomenon. It's really good fun, dark and enjoyable, as all fantasy should be, and a little bit special.
Meet Quentin Coldwater, king of the bizarre and wonderful land of Fillory. But he is getting restless, even in heaven a man needs a little adventure. So when a steward is murdered on a morning's hunt Quentin gets exactly that. But this quest is like no other. What starts as a glorified cruise to faraway lands soon becomes the stuff of nightmares...
Lev Grossman is a novelist and Time magazine's book critic. A graduate of Harvard and Yale, he has written articles for the New York Times, Salon, Entertainment Weekly, Time Out New York and the Village Voice. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.