"An engaging, thought-provoking and challenging account of a partner struggling to survive a relationship with a man who has an ‘evil twin'."
'When the person who loves the alcoholic declares their powerlessness, it is not about their own relationship with alcohol, nor necessarily about their own relationship with the alcoholic: it is about the alcoholic’s relationship with alcohol.'
Robert Lockhart – piano virtuoso and former musical director of the National Theatre – met Louisa Young for the first time when they were both just 17. Their on-off relationship lasted for decades during which time Louisa also achieved great success with her Costa short-listed novel My Dear I wanted to Tell You and the sequels The Heroes’ Welcome and Devotion.
You Left Early is an engaging, thought-provoking and challenging account of a partner struggling to survive a relationship with a man who has an ‘evil twin’, an alter-ego addicted to alcohol.
Louisa Young has a gift, an ability to put into words and describe a subject that many, many people have been affected by, either though personal addiction or as a family member or friend.
This book isn’t simply entertaining, it is an education. Reading it will leave you with understanding, sympathy and knowledge. It is a fascinating tale – of how to survive and what drives that ‘Evil Twin'.
Primary Genre | Biographies & Autobiographies |
Recommendations: |
A heart-breaking memoir that takes you on an emotional journey with love and resilience leading the way
This book tells the true memoir of Louisa and Robert and their time together over a number of decades. Louisa Young met Robert Lockhart at the tender age of 17 at a party, which followed on by many years of an on-off romance. During this time, both of them developed their careers and had children by different people, but were always drawn back together.
For much of Robert’s life he was addicted to alcohol and went through some very turbulent times, suffering injuries and near death experiences. Louisa loved Robert and helped him through these times, often without reciprocation, this quote really summed it up for me “he is bucket with a hole in it. I pour in love; love pours out”.... Read Full Review
Did not like this book at all and cannot give any positive feedback whatsoever.
I am not able to give a positive review for this book at all and gave up half way through as did not connect at all to the main characters and actually really disliked both of them intensely.... Read Full Review