The second brilliant novel from the author of The Levels - Sean Cregan In Newport City men and women walk the streets, their lives literally ticking away...
The Clocks are victims of a new serial crime, their existence kept secret by the authorities for fear of a wave of panic spreading through the US East coast city. Kidnapped by the mysterious Curator and subjected to the Curse - a medical procedure which ensures a fatal drug will be released into their nervous system one year after implantation - they are headed for certain death.
But now they are fighting back. A suicidal Clock, determined to bring their plight to the public's attention, has detonated a bomb, killing dozens. Journalist Maya Cassinelli, whose ex-boyfriend is one of the dead, and cop Charlie Garrett, whose Clock girlfriend is about to die, are on a desperate search for answers, closely shadowed by members of the elite Foundation, who want control of the Curse's revolutionary and lucrative bio-technology.
With everyone hunting the Cure, who will find it first? The Clocks are ticking...
Sean Cregan started writing at university as a way of escaping his engineering degree, before becoming a trade journalist working out of a brick shed. He writes full time, and published four novels under his real name, before changing style, content, publisher and identity to something much more fun. He's a single dad and lives on the south coast with his little boy. He has never owned a cat, and each year more and more of them go missing in his neighbourhood.