Two years have passed since the events of The Amulet of Samarkand and the young magician Nathaniel is rising fast through the government ranks. But his career is suddenly threatened by a series of terrifying crises. A dangerous golem makes random attacks on London and other raids, even more threatening, are perpetrated by the Resistance. Nathaniel and Bartimaeus travel to Prague, enemy city of ancient magic, but while they are there uproar breaks out at home and Nathaniel returns to find his reputation in tatters. Can he rescue it from his Machiavellian adversaries in the government bent on his destruction? This title is a thrilling sequel in which the relationship between the young magician and the djinni remains as teasing and complex as ever. The first in the Bartimaeus sequence is The Amulet of Samarkand and the third is Ptolemy’s Gate. The fourth one, The Ring of Solomon, is recently published and is a spell-binding addition to the Bartimaeus sequence.
Jonathan Stroud was born in Bedford and grew up in St Albans. He studied at York university. He has a strong background in children's books -working at Walker, in their Game Book and Non-Fiction departments and Kingfisher Publications, editing children's non-fiction. He has written and edited a number of game books and non-fiction titles for Walker Books. Jonathan now lives in St. Albans with his wife.
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