The newest instalment in the adventures of Merry Gentry, and just as enjoyable as its predecessors. This series really has something other supernatural erotica can lack, a plot that is even more exciting than the sex scenes. Following on directly from Mistral’s Kiss, the reawakening of the powers of faerie takes the adventure to a new level. Read them all to get the most out of them as there is very little recap and a lot of characters to remember.
I am Meredith Gentry, princess and heir apparent to the throne in the realm of Faerie, one-time private investigator in the mortal world. To be crowned queen, I must continue the royal bloodline - I must produce an heir. To fail would allow my aunt, Queen Andais, do what she most desires: to place her twisted son, Cel, upon the throne and kill me.
Laurell K. Hamilton is the New York Times bestselling author of the Meredith Gentry novels - A KISS OF SHADOWS, A CARESS OF TWILIGHT and now SEDUCED BY MOONLIGHT, which are also published by Bantam Books, and ten acclaimed Anita Blake Vampire Hunter novels. She lives in St Louis with her family.