Hats off to author Chris Brookmyre, he pulls off an impressive feat by not only blending sub-genres, but also allowing poignancy to waltz in and tap entertainment on the shoulder to create a fiendishly provocative and uniquely enjoyable read. Scottish sleuth Penny Coyne and LAPD homicide detective Johnny Hawke join forces against all odds. Travelling between LA and Scotland, cosy crime and thriller, there are plenty of diversions and hooks to trip you up and captivate you along the way. This is the time to whisper that this is my first reading of the author writing solo, however I am a huge fan of Ambrose Parry, the pen name of his fictional work with his wife Maris Haetzman, the two styles sit worlds apart and show off his range. I loved how Penny and Johnny sat in their separate genres to start, it felt as though I was reading two novels and highlighted the character and genre differences. I was absolutely fascinated as the fusion began, the lightening bursts of disorientation slipped from their memories into mine. Humour bubbles on the surface, thrilling action runs amok, and emotions are caught and held. This just has to be a Lovereading Star Book as well as a Liz Pick of the Month. The Cracked Mirror hits like a thunderbolt as it slings curveballs and delights in revelations. Highly recommended.
***Winner of the McIlvanney Award for Best Scottish Crime Book of the Year*** FORGET WHAT YOU THINK YOU KNOW THIS IS NOT THAT CRIME NOVEL
You know Penny Coyne. The little old lady who has solved multiple murders in her otherwise sleepy village, despite bumbling local police. A razor-sharp mind in a twinset and tweed.
You know Johnny Hawke. Hard-bitten LAPD homicide detective. Always in trouble with his captain, always losing partners, but always battling for the truth, whatever it takes.
Against all the odds, against the usual story, their worlds are about to collide. It starts with a dead writer and a mysterious wedding invitation. It will end with a rabbit hole that goes so deep, Johnny and Penny might come to question not just whodunnit, but whether they want to know the answer.
A cross-genre hybrid of Agatha Christie and Michael Connelly, The Cracked Mirror is the most imaginative and entertaining crime novel of the year, a genre-splicing rollercoaster with a poignantly emotional heart.
Chris Brookmyre was a journalist before becoming a full time novelist with the publication of QUITE UGLY ONE MORNING. Since the publication of A BIG BOY DID IT AND RAN AWAY he and his family decided to move away from Aberdeen and now live near Glasgow. Oh, yes.