"An accessible and practical guide for those struggling with Imposter Syndrome’s varied symptoms, particularly in the workplace"
‘Imposter Syndrome’ is one of those phrases with the ring of pathology that has become popularised (e.g. on social media) to the point where most have heard of it, but do they actually know where it stems from in your individual experiences, and what might help you to flourish despite or alongside it?
This book doesn’t necessarily narrow down what Imposter Syndrome is – as is the experience with many non-fiction books, through this lense, it can seem that every symptom and behaviour you’ve ever experienced can be related back to this one condition, something that Dr Jessamy Hibberd references herself: “I’ve come to realize that imposter syndrome involves much more than just feeling fraudulent and that it presents itself in a long list of different possible ways [... a list which] rather than being titled ‘Imposter Syndrome’, could be titled ‘The Problems of Being Human’.” Parts I found most interesting, for example, were more specifically around techniques for managing anxiety and asking what your own personal recipe for success would look like (because for Dr Hibberd these are connected to the root of the syndrome).
It’s written in a very accessible way, using everyday language rather than academic or scientific jargon, giving tools that seem almost deceptively simple and straightforward. The focus of this book is to give tools to empower and embolden the ordinary individual. It’s made me curious to learn more about why it is on a broader community and social level that so many people are feeling imposters – about our modern inability to accept or celebrate failures, social media's projected perfectionism – and how varied ethnic and identity groups might presumably experience imposter syndrome differently.
Primary Genre | Self Help and Personal Development |
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