"This insider’s account of Liverpool FC’s 2021/22 season takes readers on an exhilarating journey through pre-season prep, passionate team-talks, dressing-room discussions, and match-winning tactics."
With a gripping week-by-week structure that leads readers through the 2021-22 season, in Intensity: Inside Liverpool FC assistant manager Pep Lijnders offers football supporters unique insights into the workings of a top club, with plenty of that intensity he declares to be at the core of Liverpool’s identity.
According to Jürgen Klopp in the foreword, one of Lijnders’ “key characteristics is that he wants to share his joy and passion for football with everyone. He’s never a snob or judgemental”, and football is “about community and engagement…It’s about making strangers into friends. Individuals into a collective”, and this joy, passion and sense of collectivism is threaded through the book.
The book kicks off with accounts of pre-season friendlies at Anfield after the squad’s high-intensity summer training camps in Austria and France. As readers are taken through the season, the level of detail is immense, with all the intricacies of set-ups and tactics exhaustively related alongside insights into players, staff and the club’s ethos. Lively and personable, this must-read for LFC supporters will also appeal to lovers of the beautiful game more generally.
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