John Simpson has had a truly fascinating life and it is always a pleasure to read more of his tales from around the world and his views on what state this world is in. He acknowledges the problems the world has now and for the future but also points out a lot of positive things that perhaps we sometimes take for granted. A great read written with his ever present journalistic flair.
In Not Quite World's End, Simpson offers a lively and upbeat look at the challenges and the changes the world has gone through in his life and long career. In it, he looks at the world and takes the perhaps surprising view that it's actually not nor will be the end of the world. His vivid prose, his clear-sightedness and the wonderful anecdotes about the many strange people and places he has come across - from emperors to movie stars, from Chelsea to China - all add up to a richly satisfying read. And with his long experience and his remarkable ability to explain what's really going on out there, he offers us all a crumb of comfort in desperate times. 'He is a very fine journalist' Nelson Mandela 'Inspirational, anecdotal, humorous and chilling. Simpson's unbiased accounts are riveting' Bob Geldof
John Simpson is the world affairs editor of the BBC. He has written four books about his life and travels, Strange Places, Questionable People, A Mad World My Masters, News from No Man’s land and The Wars Against Saddam. He lives in London with his South African wife, Dee.