"In 2001, a shoot-out in Amsterdam between drug dealers left one man grievously injured and a rival dealer dead. The survivor was Anthony Spencer, one of the UK’s most notorious criminals. This is his son’s story."
Few of us stop to think about the effect a life of crime has on a gangster’s family. To the police, Spencer was a ‘villain’ who made a lot of money through the drug trade and other criminal activities. To society, he was a parasite, someone who preyed on the vulnerable, exploiting their desires and addictions for his own gain. To Jason, his son, he was simply ‘the old man’, a mystery, an absent father, and someone he wanted to look up to.
The Old Man and Me explores Jason’s journey into his father’s world as he discovers why a man who prized freedom would spend repeated and ever-lengthening periods in prison, and how he made a fortune yet ended up with nothing.
At times harrowing, this is, nevertheless, a revealing insight into a criminal underworld many would never imagine existed.
Primary Genre | Biographies & Autobiographies |
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