Reduction Fired is a ponderous collection of stunning poetry that you can easily get lost in. I loved the abundance of nature imagery that was a consistent theme throughout. It worked really well with the structure of this collection, punctuated by seasons. For example, the poem 'Place' beautifully imagines a life lived underwater and the poem 'Thoughts After Reading Haiku - XXXVI.' personifies nature by likening the exposing of a tree's roots to human immodesty.
Camara effectively constructs verse that mimics the mood of her poems, such as with 'Chalk drawings - V.' where she uses oceans to depict continuity but also structures each stanza in such a way that emulates the rippling motion of waves. You could definitely tell that every sentence was carefully placed and had a clear sense of purpose. This is also true for the poem 'Enough,' about a tall tree that doesn't flower as abundantly as the other trees. In this case, shortened sentences are used to create a lengthy verse that resembles the height of a tree.
Reduction Fired is an impressive collection that develops such themes as love, strength, loss and so much more. It also felt like a personal, embodied work, reminiscent about life, both the highs and lows. I thought it was a joy to read.
Lois Cudjoe, A LoveReading Ambassador
Primary Genre | Poetry |
This is a quick and easy to read collection of poems that can be read from cover to cover, travelling backwards through the seasons from Winter to Spring.
‘Reduction Fired’ refers to a pottery firing technique that I think is evoked in this collection of poetry. The firm structure of the poems are the kiln. The author’s reduction of all outside noise to hone in on a single idea is the removal of oxygen from the kiln. And the result, the pot, is a unique poem, rich with detail with plenty for the reader to ponder over.
This is a quick and easy to read collection of poems that can be read from cover to cover, travelling backwards through the seasons from Winter to Spring. I could also see this as a book that poetry fans could return to, discovering new ideas or revisiting their favourites.... Read Full Review