The ABCs of Coping with Anxiety Synopsis
The ABCS of Coping with Anxiety consolidates key principles from CBT and makes them understandable and accessible to anyone who needs them. The book focuses on key coping skills and includes practical exercises at the end of each chapter. James Cowart identified and developed these strategies over 40 years of clinical practice, during which time he revised and improved them repeatedly. He has used these tried-and-tested techniques to help many people cope with their anxiety. Now he shares his insights in this new book, enabling more people to benefit from this approach. It is as simple as ABC.
A is for acceptance of all things you cannot control. Acceptance means letting go of things you cannot control so you can focus on the things you can do something about.
B is for breathing slowly and naturally while you relax tense muscles. High levels of anxiety or panic often trigger hyperventilation and tension. You can take charge of your breathing and your muscle tension, which will have a positive influence on how you are feeling.
C is for countering any unrealistic or catastrophic thoughts with the truth. Countering unrealistic thoughts with evidence-based thoughts and logic can have a positive influence on how you feel. S is for staying with it so you can fully face your fears and anxieties until they are reduced. You don't have to face all your fears at once: you can take them on in a step-by-step manner.
Suitable for anyone suffering with anxiety, as well as health professionals, including psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, counsellors and other medical professionals with an interest in treating anxiety.