May 2017 Food & Drink Book of the Month.
Jonathan Meades calls this an anti-cookbook or as you and I might see it a distillation of a lifetime’s cooking. Running alongside this is the question of Chefs and their hallowed “inventions” which are no such thing and mostly best to be ignored by the home cook together with lifestyle bloggers, most nutritional advice and expensive kitchen gadgets. Many digressions on literary and culinary theft, the where and why of these recipes and much else besides. My one cavil are the black and white illustrations which look like photographs of spilled ink or a damaged photographic plate – they gave me an uncomfortable reminder of dreadful gristly school dinners, greasy and inedible, the exact opposite of what is promised in this anti-cookbook. ~ Sue Baker
Like for Like Reading
The Pedant in the Kitchen, Julian Barnes
In Defence of Food: The Myth of Nutrition and the Pleasures of Eating: An Eater’s Manifesto, Michael Pollan £9.99 Paperback 256 pages Penguin 7th May 2009 9780141034720
Primary Genre | Cookery, Food and Drink |
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