A charming eccentric tale about an orphaned child brought up by two wacky uncles whose only soul mate is a daredevil young lad. Definitely one for fans of Kate Atkinson
When six-year-old Elray reaches up to touch the moon in the Tunnel of Love, she narrowly escapes a freak electric current that claims the lives of both her parents. Suddenly orphaned, she is left stunned and mute, until two loving but undomesticated uncles step in.
Cross-dressing Uncle Ajax insists on being addressed as ‘Aunt’; Uncle Harwood is a macho photographer, full of swagger and fond of drink. When the deceptively sweet Irish lawyer Rena moves in to mount a lucrative lawsuit against the fairground, the eccentric household becomes the very model of family life reinvented.
'A lovely tale of teenage love and companionship in a world where all adults seem insane' Time Out
'Lively, slightly breathless comic narrative…this game is worth the candle' Sunday Canberra Times
'Make sure you have a lot of time on your hands before you open Lesley Marshall's debut novel, A Girl Could Stand Up. You'll find it hard to tear yourself away' Prima
'This quirky novel is a must for Kate Atkinson and John Irving fans who are fond of a surreal read' Glamour
'Utterly real…rendered with truthfulness and charm' Los Angeles Times
'A page-turner that will disarm and charm. A stand-out talent' People
'Leslie Marshall ... is the Homer of dysfunctional modern family life. This is the best first novel I've read in years' Edmund White
'An atmosphere of crazy cheerfulness...undercut by moments of poignancy...a pleasure to read' Daily Telegraph
'An extraordinary journey through the life of an extraordinary family, chronicled by a child-woman you will not forget' Anne Rivers Siddons
About Leslie Marshall
LESLIE MARSHALL is a freelance journalist and has written for The Washington Post, Real Simple and InStyle Magazine, where she is still contributing editor. She grew up in Washington D. C. and now lives in New York. This is her first novel.