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October 2015 Non-Fiction Book of the Month.
Maps – but not as we know them... Some of Martin Vargic's intricate constructions such as his World map of stereotypes have gone viral, others have been specially compiled for this book. There are 2 elaborate gatefolds and the subjects include everything from the preponderance of heavy metal in the world to leading causes of death. Martin Vargic's maps underpin the idea of our globalised world, the spread of popular culture and some of the fall-outs we suffer in our media driven lives. Beautifully made, the maps have some of the flavour of the medieval “Here be Dragons” creations, reflecting our world and culture in a novel and entertaining way that also gives us pause for thought. ~ Sue Baker
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Map: Exploring the World, Laura Imaoka (Editor)
The State of the World Atlas, Dan Smith
Sue Baker
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About Martin Vargic
Martin Vargic (Author, Illustrator) Martin Vargic is a 17-year-old senior student and amateur graphic designer from Slovakia who rose to international fame in late January 2014, when his work Map of the Internet 1.0 went viral, generating hundreds of thousands of hits and Facebook shares. It was subsequently featured on Mashable, Yahoo, The Daily Mail online, The Independent, Slate, Fox News, The Huffington Post, Business Insider, Gizmodo and dozens of other sites worldwide. He also works under the name Jay Simmons. In subsequent months, Vargic published several other maps in his portfolio on his website,, each of which were picked up all over the Internet. In his latest work, the Map of Stereotypes, which took him over 4 months to finish, Vargic pulled together more than 1800 cliches and pop culture references into a map based on the stereotypical westerner's view of the world. It too received immediate media attention, and was prominently featured on a multitude of sites such as Slate, The Huffington Post, RT and many others.
More About Martin Vargic