A fascinating, behind the scenes view, looking simply and astutely at the history and story of women in Iran. The author is a historian born in Iran and now living in the USA. This is a book you can dip and delve into, the chapters are short and Nina Ansary covers her points in a practical and straight forward way. She studies the misconceptions held about women in Iran, looks at exclusionary policies based on interpretations of religious teachings, recounts a history of Iranian religion and rulers and pays tribute to the strength and courage of Iranian women. Using quotes and pictures Ansary is quite matter of fact, yet it is very clear when the author's personal feelings come forth. With some surprising deductions, ‘Jewels of Allah’ is a book that makes you think about the importance of women in society and consequently is a most worthwhile and interesting read. ~ Liz Robinson
Jewels of Allah The Untold Story of Women in Iran Synopsis
A powerful tale of women’s liberation, Jewels of Allah tells the untold, true story of women in Iran, revealing a global sisterhood of women in the East and the West that, from the beginning of time, has transcended boundaries of religion, race, and culture. Jewels of Allah illuminates the stereotypical assumptions and often misunderstood story of women in Iran, past and present. Based on scholarly research as well as the author’s personal experience, the book celebrates the many courageous female leaders and advocates throughout Iran’s history and reveals the unanticipated consequences of the Islamic Revolution that led to a full-blown feminist movement within a post-revolutionary patriarchal society.
“Knowing our history is knowing ourselves. Nina Ansary expertly reveals largely untold stories of the multifaceted women of Iran and their perseverance to overcome considerable obstacles.” - Alisa Miller, CEO, Public Radio International (PRI)
“This must be included within the Essential Reading lists of all schools- it is a vital historical account, a necessary and refreshed analysis particularly for our 21st Century culture of fear climate.” - Marcella Karamat, Senior Film Publicist /Consultant, The Hollywood Reporter and The London Times
“The women of Iran have no greater champion than Nina Ansary, nor does anyone equal her in explaining the seemingly paradoxical expansion of women’s education since the Iranian Revolution.” - Richard W. Bulliet, Professor of History, Columbia University
“This is a remarkable book. Nina Ansary explodes some of the myths and prejudices held about Iranian women across the centuries. This volume is an invaluable addition to the existing literature on the subject and a must read for all those who are interested in understanding Islam and feminisms and in the celebration of differences and diversities within the feminist movements.” - Baroness Afshar of Heslington, Professor, Academy of Social Sciences, University of York
“This is essential reading on Iran, and feminism, human rights, and social movements. The book turns itself into a archive of all the relevant figures, publications, and eras related to the history of women in Iran, and as a researcher and writer, I know I will refer back to it in the future.” - Mahsa Alimardani, internet researcher and Iran editor, Global Voices.com
About Nina Ansary
Born in Tehran, Iran, Nina Ansary left her country of birth at the onset of the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Growing up in New York City, she received her B.A. in Sociology from Barnard College, and her M.A in Middle Eastern Studies and Ph.D. in History from Columbia University. After moving to Los Angeles, Ansary followed her family’s long distinguished record for supporting humanitarian causes. As an avid philanthropist, she serves on the Middle East Institute Advisory Board at Columbia University, on Columbia University’s Global Leadership Council, the Board of Trustees of the IAWF (Iranian American Women’s Foundation), and the Advisory Board of the Pacific Youth Foundation. Nina Ansary is an elected member of the Everychild Foundation and the Pacific Council on International policy, and a member of the American Association of University Women (AAUW), the National Organization for Women (NOW), and the U.S. National Committee for U.N. Women (USNC) – organizations dedicated to public policy and supporting education, charitable and gender-related causes. She is one of the “Top Influencers” of Iran on Twitter/Facebook, and a regular contributor to the Daily Beast, BBC, Huffington Post, and Women’s eNews, an award-winning news website which recently honored her as one of the 21 Leaders of the 21st Century.