To find his father, one boy must defy an empire...Three years ago, Earth was conquered by a force of robots from a distant world. They have one rule: STAY IN YOUR HOMES Step outside and you get one warning before you're vaporised by a massive robot Sentry, or a crawling Sniper, or a flying Drone. That's if the vast Cube doesn't incinerate you first. But Sean Flynn is convinced that his father - an RAF pilot who fought in the war - is still alive. And when he and his gang figure out a way to break the robots' curfew, they begin an adventure that will pit them against the might of the ROBOT OVERLORDS. This fast-paced, thrilling novelisation is based on the hit British film starring Sir Ben Kingsley (IRON MAN THREE), Gillian Anderson (THE X-FILES) and Callan McAuliffe (THE GREAT GATSBY). A perfect companion to the movie, it expands on the story with additional action, characters, and a special peek behind the scenes.
'fun, entertaining read with snappy, realistic dialogue... a blockbuster pace that will entertain early teens upwards and sci-fi fans alike' Following the Nerd
'Robot Overlords - Robots Never Lie is an easy read, but it's not a light tale. Deliciously scary in all the right places, it's a compelling book. Like all good novelisations, it adds an extra dimension to a story already told in another medium. Recommended, especially if you like giant robot-driven dystopias.' Starburst
'Enjoyable, entertaining, and sometimes surprisingly dark, Robot Overlords: Robots Never Lie is a great read whether you're a young adult, a young-at-heart adult, or even a miserable old man in an adult's body (like me!)' The Cult Den
'Such a cracking story - one which might literally blow your socks off' The Book Plank
About Mark Stay
By night, Mark Stay is a film script writer and novelist who lives and works in London. By day, he is a Key Accounts manager within the Orion Sales department, where he performs astonishing sales feats every day. You can follow @markstay and @Robot--_Overlords on Twitter.