Bestselling Jodi Lynn Anderson tells a mesmerising story of the complications of teen romance against a chilling backdrop of multiple murders. Newly arrived to live in a ramshackle house on the shore of Lake Michigan, seventeen year old Maggie soon makes friends with her two closest neighbours, Pauline, the beautiful only daughter of a wealthy widow and Liam, a silent loner who can fix anything. Maggie soon finds herself caught up in the complicated relationship between the two with unexpected and disastrous results for herself.
The yard of this house is a graveyard of moments and everything left behind is a clue. And I am here to dig.
There's a ghost haunting 208 Water Street. She doesn't know who she was, or why she's still here. She does know that she is drawn to Maggie, the new girl in town, and her friends - beautiful, carefree Pauline and Liam, the boy who loves her.
But the ghost isn't all that's lurking in Gill Creek... Someone is killing young girls all across the county. Can the ghost keep these three friends safe? Or does she have another purpose?