The UK's largest hotel chain has partnered with the National Literacy Trust to launch a new bedtime story Wishing on a Star free to guests staying in their hotels across the UK.

Premier Inn, or as my kids have always called them "The Moon Hotel" has over 800 hotels across the UK and they pride ourselves on playing an active role in those communities. The book Wishing on a Star is available at Premier Inn hotels and 7,000 copies will be donated to community groups and schools who most need literacy support.

The story was written and designed by the hotel chain as part of its Force for Good programme, aiming to inspire customers with children to read more. The book will be given out at hotels to children aged 3-7, with a digital copy available on the Premier Inn website to make it as accessible as possible.

Tamara Strauss, customer director at Premier Inn UK, said: "We help millions of people rest easy and wake up ready for whatever the day holds, so we're thrilled to launch our storybook, Wishing on a Star, which will encourage families to spend time reading together and have a restful night's sleep."

National Literacy Trust research shows that children who enjoy reading are three times more likely to read above the level expected for their age as those who don’t and it can also support their wellbeing and help them do better at school. We know everything changes when we read and further resaerch tells us reading has a bigger impact on children's success later in life than any other criteria. With 1 in 11 disadvantaged children in the UK saying they don’t own a book at all, well done Premier Inn in getting more books into the hands of more kids.