Hello! Summer may almost be done but fear not! Like the tenacious heroes and heroines of September-born thriller queen Agatha Christie, we have been hard on the case tracking down more and more great reads to keep the sun shining on your reading at least as Autumn approaches.
Read on to find out what’s new at Lovereading this month…
Romantic Promise! – Our Author of the Month: Erica James

Needing no introduction for many of you, our Author of the Month is the brilliant
Erica James. Drawing inspiration from real places and real people, she lives by the side of Lake Como and compulsively talks to strangers! It's this that gives her characters the realism that has won her fans all over the world. Her latest title is
Promises, Promises, in which three women’s lives intertwine in their search for happiness.
Find out more about her books today...
Fruitful Literary Harvest! – Our Books of the Month
with a whole range of great quality titles in all formats so you are guaranteed to find something special, whatever your reading taste. Whatever you do please don’t miss our MEGA Biography of the Month
That Woman, by Anne Sebba which sheds new light on the life of Wallis Simpson Duchess of Windsor … or our MEGA Fiction Book of the Month,
Freedom by Jonathan Franzen – the acclaimed new novel from the author of The Corrections.
Fiction books of the Month
Non-Fiction books of the Month
Spread The Love! – recommend Lovereading and get money off books!

We know you love reading so we’d like to
reward you for spreading the word about Love
reading to your friends. Recommend our site to other book lovers and collect ‘Love-hearts’ for money off your next purchase.
Click here to find out how it works and start reaping rewards! Recommending just one person in September will get you £2 of Lovehearts to start, or add to your collection and you will also get £1 of Lovehearts for each new friend that registers with Lovereading.
Find out more today.

You won’t find this anywhere else…
Paperback, CD Audio, Hardback, ePub, Kindle and iBook – Don’t forget that, uniquely whatever the format,
we now have them all on Lovereading. Just look at any book page to enjoy this world first! So, once we've guided you to your next satisfying read, you can buy the exact format that suits you. We’re not smug about this, but you can be!
Starter’s Orders? Order these Starters! - Debuts of the Month
The Instructions
Adam Levin
The Instructions Adam Levin An unmissable, award-winning, unique and quite brilliant story of leadership and revolution.
Belinda McKeon
Solace Belinda McKeon Extremely moving and highly acclaimed story of love, tragedy and life lived today.

Finally don’t miss an hilarious book we were sent in the office, celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Souvenir Press. It’s called
Politically Correct Bedtime Stories. Described by The Telegraph as 'The definitive, non-exploitative, non-patriarchalist (dontcha hate doing that to the kids?) … collection of bedtime stories.' It’s just brilliant.

Read on to see the recommended books in the categories you have said you want to know more about – and don’t forget that 8 September is the UNESCO International Literacy Day –
click here to find out more.
P.S. With October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month why not do your bit to support the event by buying a copy of
The Best Little Book Club in Town 6748 a terrific collection of short stories from bestselling authors including Kate Mosse, Katie Fforde, Lee Child, Sophie Kinsella and Jodi Picoult. What’s even better is that for every copy sold, £1 is donated to Breast Cancer Care.
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