Top 10

Skin and Bones Skin and Bones Tom Bale February 2010 Debut of the Month. With one of the best opening pages to a book you’ll ever read this electrifying debut thriller will leave you gasping for breath. Reminiscent to the writing of Harlan Coben but Tom Bale is British ... Download free opening extract
The Catcher In The Rye The Catcher In The Rye J D Salinger Shortlisted for the 2009 Penguin Orange Readers' Group Book of the Year. A great teenage classic. Holden Caufield is the ultimate outsider; he is expelled from school, falls out with his friends and finally suffers a nervous breakdown. The book is ... Download free opening extract
The Last 10 Seconds The Last 10 Seconds Simon Kernick Simon Kernick is fast becoming one of the top crime writers in Britain today and at Lovereading we have been fans for a long time. Here we have another gritty, fast paced, suspense-filled triumph. This one is going to have ... Download free opening extract
Moonlight in Odessa Moonlight in Odessa Janet Skeslien Charles February 2010 Debut of the Month. This comic novel is jam-packed with hilarious and very well observed insights in to relationships, not just those between lovers but also work colleagues, friends and family. Daria the main character is feisty and headstrong ... Download free opening extract
The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie Alan Bradley February 2010 Debut of the Month. Death in the cucumber patch and a young girl turns detective in a spirited pastiche of the English village murder-mystery with a nod to Agatha Christie and some nice original touches.  With a breathless and ... Download free opening extract
The Missing The Missing Jane Casey February 2010 Debut of the Month. A terrific novel taking place in two separate times, 16 years apart, but with both disappearances affecting one character.  It is very well structured, a most impressive first novel, a psychological thriller that builds to ... Download free opening extract
Under This Unbroken Sky Under This Unbroken Sky Shandi Mitchell February 2010 Debut of the Month. If I had a star choice for the month this would be it.  It is a devastating, powerful tale of poverty, endurance, jealousy, hardship and sadness, set in 1938 amongst Ukrainian immigrants trying to carve ... Download free opening extract
The Art of Losing The Art of Losing Rebecca Connell January 2010 Debut of the Month. A startling story of betrayal and grief, of love and infidelity that has a quite unexpected ending.  Told from two points of view, it traces a tale of a lost love, a lost friendship and ... Download free opening extract
The Breaking of Eggs The Breaking of Eggs Jim Powell March 2010 Editor's Choice. An incredibly moving story of a man whose whole life is turned around as he finds everything he had always believed in crumbling around him. Funny, sad and thoroughly absorbing. Dear Reader,How often do you come across a ... Download free opening extract
Barefoot Over Stones Barefoot Over Stones Liz Lyons February 2010 Debut of the Month. I don’t know what it is about the Irish girls but when they write they certainly have warmth and understanding that shines through their work.  This is a newcomer with an impressive debut about female ... Download free opening extract