The Emotion TrapIf you’re looking to mix up your book group gathering with something different — something that’ll see you talking about your approach to life, way of thinking, and what’s holding you back — look no further than Siri Helle’s The Emotion Trap

A bestseller in the author’s native Sweden, this engaging, accessible toolkit has captured countless readers as a result of guiding them to live their best lives through adopting easily implementable practices of the behaviour principal i.e. the positive act of behaving in line with the feeling you want to achieve.

As such, The Emotion Trap is likely to spark very interesting debate at book groups — whether you found its approach and practical tips useful, or came away feeling unconvinced! Read on for a few questions to get your discussions going… 

1. “Emotions are amazing…but they can also sabotage you.” So states the author in her introduction. Is this a view you held before reading this book? Did you agree with it after reading?

2. Also in the introduction, the author runs through several examples of “emotion traps”. Did any of these resonate with you? Discuss your own examples.

3. Did you, or have you, come to believe in “behaviour principal” i.e. the positive effect of behaving in line with the feeling you want to achieve rather than the feeling you already have”?

4. Discuss the “psychological triangle” concept shared in the book i.e. “the way thoughts, feelings and behaviours are connected and affect each other”, and the way they’re “constantly changing”. Share examples from your own experience.

5. Were you surprised by any of the five self-esteem myths shared in the first chapter? 

6. Have you done any of the practical exercises? Which did you find most useful or revelatory?

7. Did you take Rosenberg’s Self-esteem Scale test? Were you surprised by the results?

8. Will you recommend The Emotion Trap to friends and family?

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