As a thought provoking read packed full of emotion, we believe that Something To Live For by Richard Roper would make a wonderful novel for a book group. I absolutely adored this book, and have said that I have no doubt that it will be included in a list of my favourite books of the year. The big question is will you feel the same? 

While we are quite sure that you come up with lots of questions yourselves, and could quite happily chat about your chosen books forever, we have a few suggested questions to start you off:

  • Richard Roper sets an exquisite tightrope balance of gentle humour and poignancy, his first chapter being a perfect example, how do you feel the first chapter set the scene?
  • A little white lie is told by our main character, how did that initially make you feel, did your thoughts change as the story progressed?
  • Did any aspects of Andrew’s personality frustrate you, did you want to shake or hug him, or perhaps a mixture of the two?
  • How do you feel the Council Death Administration department sits in the story, did you know such an organisation existed before you read the book?
  • How do you think Richard Roper deals with the subject of death?
  • What did you think about Cameron’s attempts at team bonding within the Death Administration department?
  • There are several romantic relationships within the story, how did the background stories affect the growing fondness between Andrew and Peggy?
  • The ducks on the cover of the paperback relate to a rather lovely section of the book, would you have chosen the ducks or another part of the book to sit on the front cover.
  • Were you expecting that ending?
  • What three words would you use to sum up this novel?

We hope you enjoy Something To Live For as much as we have, do let us know if you have any other thoughts about the book.

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