The contents of this wonderful LoveReading Star Book are as provocative and thought-provoking as the title. Everyone in This Room will Someday Be Dead is quirky and amusing, yet also sharply pointed and as compelling as can be. We think it would make a perfect book club pick as it weaves through and around genres and turns emotions inside out. Debut author Emily Austin has created an unforgettable character in Gilda, will you warm to her straight away, will she slowly creep into your heart, or will you find her difficult to get to know? There is a unique blend of darkness and light at play with themes of anxiety, depression, and death somehow dancing their way across the page. We really would love to be a fly on your book club wall and listen in on some of the conversations about Gilda!

As always we have some spoiler-free questions for you, we hope when you have read this gorgeous book that they will spark some interesting thoughts.

  • Did the title call out to you, how important do you think it is, and how did you feel about the title by the end?
  • Gilda’s voice is as honest as can be, did that help you to connect with her, what did you think about her when she first spoke?
  • Do you agree that Gilda is an unforgettable character, why do you think she is being seen as such?
  • Did you find light in the darkness, where and how did the light appear, did it combat or combine with the dark for you?
  • What genres would you place this novel in, if you were to enter it in an award, where do you see it sitting?
  • Warmth and compassion can be found between the pages, and yet this novel has capacity to sting and provoke, how did your emotions and thoughts change as you read? 
  • Humour is used to great effect, how did it affect your relationship with Gilda?
  • What part did the other characters play in the novel?
  • How did the ending make you feel and what is the main thing you will take away with you?
  • What three words would you use to recommend this novel?

In case you missed them, here are our previous Book Club Recommendations - each with a set of questions to kick-start your discussions:

September 2020: Here is the Beehive by Sarah Crossan

October 2020: Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman.

November 2020: The Illustrated Child by Polly Crosby

December 2020: Leave The World Behind by Rumaan Alam

January 2021: Victoria Park by Gemma Reeves

February 2021: Mrs Death Misses Death by Salena Godden

March 2021: Barn Club by Robert J Somerville

April 2021: Unsettled Ground by Claire Fuller

May 2021: The Funny Thing About Norman Foreman by Julietta Henderson

June 2021: Erringby by Gill Darling

If you want even more book club recommendations, browse our selection here.