We know, we know! It’s only mid October and we hate the fact that Christmas seems to hit the shops earlier every year: BUT it is coming and in these financially tight times, starting your shopping now might be a good idea! What better gift than a great value book, offering hours of entertainment and lasting forever? We have some special sections of Gift Books and Stocking Fillers to get you started…

2011 has seen a whole host of seriously good (and bad) books published. Every month we pick the best 60 or so which we believe you’ll love but it’s quite possible that even the most dedicated readers will have missed a few; so after much heated debate our resident book experts, including Sarah Broadhurst, have selected their ‘stand out list’ of books of 2011. They are all available in a selection of formats including eBooks for both kindle and iPad. We hope you enjoy the mix and treat yourself.

E is for 'Excellence' – October’s eBooks of the Month

More and more of you are turning to the great digital formats for your daily reading, so we thought we’d tell you some of our favourite eBooks every month! The Gods of Atlantis David Gibbins Adrenalin pumping all-action conspiracy thriller A Discovery of Witches Deborah Harkness A dark, romantic tale of witches, vampires and ancient feuds.   Also worth remembering, is that we are the ONLY site with all formats available in one place! Paperback, CD Audio, Hardback, ePub, Kindle and iBook - whatever your poison, we now have them all on Lovereading. Just look at any book page to enjoy this world-first!

'Tis The Season! No! not that Season – AWARDS’ SEASON is in full swing!

It's awards galore at the moment and here at Lovereading we like to keep an eye on what’s hot so that you don’t have to! Man Booker Prize Winner - After a fiercely contested and controversial long and shortlist stage, the winner of the ‘best’ prize in literature wil be announced on 18Octoberand it will get star billing in our Book Awards and ManBookersections – in the meantime read free Opening Extracts of all the shortlist and pick your own winner. Wellcome Trust Book Award - The shortlist for this prestigious science book award has just been announced and all the titles are featured in our book awards section on the site. Find out more and choose your own winner? The official winner is announced in November. AND LOOKING FORWARD…..

World Book Night 2012

From an original 100 books, 25 favourite titles will be chosen by the public and a million copies (40,000 of each book) given away in ONE NIGHT 23 April – save the date and get involved. We think it’s a great way to celebrate and share great writing! We are already registered, and you can have your say here: And, Finally … National Short Story Week 2012 Just a quick aside about National Short Story Week, which aims to celebrate this short form and is happening from 7-13 November. Have a look at the website to discover great writing, get involved or even be inspired to write something yourself! Click here P.S. Our Author Favourites section is a great place to find out about some interesting titles that well known authors have chosen as books that have left an impression on them. This month there are selections from Ian McEwan and Tess Gerritsen.