The novels chosen here have all been written relatively recently (since the 90’s), yet the focus is the Victorian era. This was a time that was lauded as having huge advancement in some respects with industrialisation and expansion of the British Empire yet the costs were severe. It exists as a fascinating period in which to set a novel, and many of the stories in this collection focus on the darker side of life. We have books that feature wonderful women, from the fabulous Things in Jars by Jess Kidd that creates a stinging tension and launches the most fabulous of private detectives, through to Mrs Engels by Gavin McCrea which offers a stimulating and rather glorious peek at Lizzie Burns who lived alongside and supported the two men who founded Marxism. Foreboding and disturbing storytelling exists in the The Doll Factory by Elizabeth Macneal and The Shape of Darkness by Laura Purcell. People of Abandoned Character explores the Jack the Ripper case while Theatre of Marvels by Lianne Dillsworth immerses you in all things Victorian, with human responses that are timeless. These are novels that prod and provoke thoughts, and offer a truly captivating reading experience. So why not explore our chosen collection of historical novels set in the Victorian era.
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