Welcome to our mid September update. Read on to find out more about Maxim Jakubowski’s latest recommendations, comfort reading in our Food and Drink section and some grade A history selections from Sue Baker.
And don’t forget our MEGA Books of the month – That Woman, a controversial Biography of the Duchess of Windsor, and Jonathan Franzen’s Freedom.

Putting the ‘e’ in Read! – eBooks of the Month

As you know by now, we are the ONLY site that allows you to download titles in all digital formats (Kindle, iBook and ePub) in one place – so while you’rediggingout the appropriate hardware, here areour eBook picks of the month!
13, rue Therese Elena Mauli Shapiro Deeply sensual, sexy story of love, desire and the power of imagination.
The Decision Penny Vincenzi Passion, ambition, hopes, dreams and the destructive power of divorce.

Sue Baker History selections

U.S. president Harry S. Truman said, "The only thing new in the world is the history you do not know." So to help you know a bit more, our resident Non Fiction Expert
Sue Baker has put together a selection of the latest History books that she rates highly from authors such as
Peter Ackroyd,
A. N. Wilson and
Simon Jenkins – learn more today…
And speaking of favourite authors and history this month, if you love
Philippa Gregory’s historical fiction, you shouldn’t miss her fascinating non-fiction companion volume,
The Women of the Cousins' War, which tells the extraordinary true stories behind the three heroines of her books,
The White Queen,
The Red Queen and the latest,
The Lady of the Rivers.
Is This a Dagger … ? The Last Three CWA Dagger Shortlists

The longest running literary prize in the UK, the Crime Writers’ Association Daggers are highly prized. The ‘International Dagger’ has been won by Anders Roslund and Börge Hellström for their wonderfully dark thriller Three Seconds. But there’s more to come. The shortlists for the
‘John Creasey New Blood’, ‘Ian Fleming Steel’ and the coveted ‘
CWA Gold’ Daggers were announced in August (among them Booker Prize nominee A.D. Miller). It’s a crime lover’s dream - so if that’s you, click here and get investigating the shortlists before the winners are announced on 7 October! – and you can
vote for your favourite in the ‘ITV People’s Bestseller Dagger 2011’.

More Crime Duos from Maxim Jakubowski

If anyone knows crime writing, it’s
Maxim Jakubowski. You may already have seen our section dedicated to recommendations from him, but our Maxim Book of the Month this month is an absolute corker!
The Trinity Six by Charles Cumming resurrects the Trinity spy ring of Iron Curtain days in a fast and thrilling page turner. Reminiscent of
John le Carré at his best, this is definitely worth further investigation!
Our Favourite, Your Favourite - Author Favourites
We love it and it’s proved hugely popular with you too. Our favourite authors share their favourite books with us, so that you can read what they read. We have new recommended titles to share from some great writers this month, so your next fabulous read is closer than you think!
Click here now and browse the goodies.
There is only ONE real Sarah Broadhurst!

Sarah Broadhurst is one of the most respected book reviewers in the trade and if you haven’t yet had a look at some of her choices in our regular fiction categories then you’ve missed some real reading delights. Why not
browse a category or two today and look out for her reviews and recommendations such as
The Saints of New York by R J Ellory.
Also if you’ve been wondering whether Sarah is moonlighting elsewhere,
rest assured she’s not. If you come across Sarah Broadhurst book reviews on the net not linked to Lovereading, then
it’s NOT the genuine article rather someone who is riding on the coat tails of our own Lovereading expert.
It’s causing quite a stir in the book world and we would hate for you to be mislead!
And that is what’s hot at Lovereading this month! Enjoy the season of ‘mist and mellow fruitfulness’ and we will see you with more great titles and industry info in ghoulish October!
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