We have strayed far, far away from the joys and celebrations of Christmas with the Book Club recommendation for December. Leave the World Behind by Rumaan Alam is an apocalyptic thriller that delivers an intensely claustrophobic atmosphere and chilling plot. You may wonder, after the year we have had, why this particular novel has been chosen. Well, we firmly believe that Book Clubs will have the most fascinating discussions after reading Leave The World Behind. Penetrating, thoughtful, and intelligent, this book reaches out and is capable of surprising the reader. It isn’t obvious or shouty, yet it is full of tension as the plot hovers on the edge of catastrophe. Rumaan Alam has the most eloquent pen and excels in judging what should be withheld as much as what he should reveal. The LoveReading team loved this book and we have chosen it as a LoveReading Star Book, will you agree with our decision? 

We have ten questions to start off your booky chat, and we have done our best not to give anything away!

  • Several themes run through this novel, did any in particular resonate with you?
  • There are brief mentions of other characters, how did these windows to the outside world make you feel?
  • Nature brushes against the occupants of the house, what message would you have taken from them?
  • What did you think about the shopping lists?
  • Fight, flight, or freeze, how do you think the main characters responded to the threats?
  • What happened to the relationship between the adults and children as the novel progressed?
  • What thoughts did the conversations between the two couples stir up?
  • Did you form a bond with any of the characters, and if so why was that?
  • Did you have any unanswered questions lingering at the end?
  • After finishing the novel, take another look at the title and cover, have your thoughts about the contents changed since you first picked it up?

If you missed them, you can catch up on our previous Book Club Recommendations for each month below:

July 2020: Something to Live For by Richard Roper

August 2020: A Room Made of Leaves by Kate Grenville

September 2020: Here is the Beehive by Sarah Crossan

October 2020: Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman.

November 2020: The Illustrated Child by Polly Crosby

If you want even more book club recommendations, browse our selection here.