If you love your books stuffed full to overflowing with fast-moving, non-stop thrills and spills then step this way as we have over 70 action-packed books for you to tackle. These books encourage you to throw yourself in at the deep end and just let go. From historical adventure, through to dynamic espionage, and frantically-paced thrillers, we have packed in as much action as we can find. These first three are all crackers, we've loved from the past few months, but there's plenty more to dive into below!

Chris Hauty’s debut Deep State is an absolute corker of a read and we can’t wait for the second in the series to hit. Deep State is a: “fast-moving, full-on adrenaline hit” with an ex-military and champion boxer intern at the White House trying to stop an assassination plot on the President.

Liberation by Imogen Kealey is based on the true story of Nancy Wake, named by the Gestapo as The White Mouse in the Second World War. A somewhat gung-ho Nancy races through some pretty incredible action with no apparent regard for her own safety.

We continue to rave about The Englishman which delivers: “full-on heart-pounding action, plus smart sharp writing” in what is an absolute reading feast of a book. The start of a new series sees former Foreign Legion Commando Dan Raglan on a hunt that guarantees death. 

We are sure you’ll find some new books to explore as we have some full-on supercharged reading entertainment waiting here just for you.