Viktor Jakupec is an Honorary Professor in Development Studies at Deakin University, Australia and Potsdam University, Germany, and a Member of the Leibniz Society of Sciences, Berlin. His research focus includes political economy analysis, development aid policies, multilateralism and international relations. He has extensive experience as an international consultant for the Asian Development Bank, World Bank, International Finance Corporation, Millennium Challenge Corporation and EU and European Training Foundation, in Asia, MENA, the Balkans and the Caucasus countries. He holds a Dr. habil. from Giessen University and a Dr. phil. from FU Hagen.
Max Kelly is an Associate Professor and course director of International and Community Development, and Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Action, at Deakin University, Australia. Her areas of expertise include international and community development policy and practice. She has a sectoral focus in food security, food systems and sustain