Liberals, Conservatives, and Mavericks
Sabrina P Ramet
Not Available
East Central Europe and Communism
Civic and Uncivic Values in the Czech Republic
Beyond Yugoslavia
Adaptation and Transformation in Communist and Post-Communist Systems
Orthodox Churches and Politics in Southeastern Europe
Rocking the State
Alternatives to Democracy in Twentieth-Century Europe
Civic and Uncivic Values in Poland
Catholic Church in Polish History
Ramet and 1 more
Ebook (Epub)
Digital. Available Immediately. Country restrictions apply.
The Independent State of Croatia 1941-45
History of Russia & the Soviet Union in Humorous Verse
Civic and Uncivic Values in Macedonia
Ebook (PDF)
Serbia and the Serbs in World War Two
Central and Southeast European Politics Since 1989
The Liberal Project and the Transformation of Democracy
Liberal Project and the Transformation of Democracy
Serbia Since 1989
The Three Yugoslavias
Thinking about Yugoslavia
The Radical Right in Central and Eastern Europe Since 1989
Eastern Europe
Gender Politics in the Western Balkans
Nihil Obstat
Whose Democracy?
Social Currents in Eastern Europe
Catholicism and Politics in Communist Societies
Religion and Nationalism in Soviet and East European Politics