Nikolas Glover is an associate professor and senior lecturer in the Department of Economic History, Uppsala University. His research has dealt with, among other things, public diplomacy, advertising history, and business history. His recent publications include 'Marketing Internationalism in an Era of Globalisation - The Swedish-South African Partnership Week, November 1999' in Culture Unbound (2021), and, with Andreas Mørkved Hellenes, 'A "Swedish Offensive" at the World's Fairs: Advertising, Social Reformism and the Roots of Swedish Cultural Diplomacy, 1935-1939', Contemporary European History (2020).
David M. Higgins is a professor in the accounting and finance division at Newcastle University, UK. He has published numerous articles on the evolution of trade mark and merchandize mark protection from the nineteenth century, and he is the author of Brands, Geographical Origin, and the Global Economy (2018).