Léon Wurmser, M.D., is a Training and Supervising Analyst at the New York Freudian Society. His publications include The Power of the Inner Judge (Jason Aronson, 2000), Jealousy and Envy (with Heidrun Jarass; Analytic Press, 2007), and Torment Me, but Don't Abandon Me! (Jason Aronson, 2007). He maintains a private practice in Towson, MD.
Heidrun Jarass, M.D., is a Training and Supervising Analyst at the Institute for Psychoanalysis of the German Psychoanalytic Society, Nurnberg. A psychoanalyst in private practice, she has been active in psychoanalytic research, focusing on the psychodynamic processes in supervision, and has presented her work with severely ill patients at international meetings. She co-edited (with Leon Wurmser) Jealousy and Envy (Analytic Press, 2007).