I. Introduction
1. What is Forest Landscape Restoration? David Lamb, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, John Stanturf, US Forest Service, Athens, Georgia, USA, Palle Madsen, Forest and Landscape, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
2. What Can Landscape Ecology Contribute to Forest Landscape Restoration? Tom Crow, US Forest Service, Ft. Collins, Colorado USA
3. Landscape Management; Chadwick Dearing Oliver, Kristofer Covey, Aaron Hohl, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, David Larsen, University of Missouri, James B. McCarter, University of Washington, Andrew Niccolai, Yale University, and Jeremy Wilson, University of Maine, USA
II. Natural Science Perspectives
4. Hydrologic Connectivity of Landscapes and Implications for Forest Restoration; R. Chelsea Nagy, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island and B. Graeme Lockaby, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, USA
5. Connecting Landscape Fragments Through Riparian Zones; Gary Bentr