Jennifer A. Frey is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of South Carolina. Her main areas of research lie at the intersection of theories of agency, rationality, ethics and law, with a particular emphasis on the relations among virtue, practical reason, and happiness. She has ten publications in venues such as Analytic Philosophy, Ergo, The Journal of the History of Philosophy, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, and in multiple edited volumes. She is the PI of several grants, including a 2.1 million dollar research project titled, Virtue, Happiness, and the Meaning of Life. She is currently editing a volume titled, Practical reason, truth, and knowledge, and is writing a monograph titled, Action, virtue, and human good. Candace Vogler is the David B. and Clara E. Stern Professor of Philosophy at The University of Chicago. She is the author of John Stuart Mill’s deliberative landscape: An essay in moral psychology (Routledge), Reasonably vicious, and essays in ethics, social