Neusner on Judaism
Jacob Neusner
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In Quest of the Historical Pharisees
Israel and Zion in American Judaism
Neusner and 1 more
Ebook (Epub)
What Is Midrash?
Ebook (PDF)
The Tosefta
Literature of Formative Judaism
Rabbi Moses
First Steps in the Talmud
Chapters in the Formative History of Judaism
Chapters in the Formative History of Judaism, Eighth Series
Rabbi David
Form-Analysis and Exegesis
The Rabbinic System
War and Peace in Rabbinic Judaism
The Transformation of Judaism
Transformation of Judaism
The Rabbis and the Prophets
Rabbis and the Prophets
Religious Foundations of Western Civilization
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Narrative and Document in the Rabbinic Canon
Lost Documents of Rabbinic Judaism
The Documentary History of Judaism and Its Recent Interpreters
The Program of the Fathers According to Rabbi Nathan A
How the Bavli Is Constructed
How the Halakhah Unfolds
Comparative Midrash
In the Aftermath of Catastrophe
History of the Jews in Babylonia, Part 1
History of the Jews in Babylonia, Part V
History of the Jews in Babylonia, Part III
Chapters in the Formative History of Judaism. Second Series More Questions and Answers
History of the Jews in Babylonia, Part IV
Analytical Templates of the Yerushalmi
Persia and Rome in Classical Judaism
History of the Jews in Babylonia, Part II
The Treasury of Judaism
Theological and Philosophical Premises of Judaism
The Rabbis, the Law, and the Prophets
Rabbinic Theology and Israelite Prophecy
Building Blocks of Rabbinic Tradition
The Rabbinic Utopia
Telling Tales
Habakkuk, Jonah, Nahum and Obadiah in Talmud and Midrash
Isaiah in Talmud and Midrash
Ezekiel in Talmud and Midrash
Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi in Talmud and Midrash
Law as Literature
Rabbi Jeremiah
Judaism: The Basics
Reading Scripture With the Rabbis
Hosea in Talmud and Midrash
Micah and Joel in Talmud and Midrash
Amos in Talmud and Midrash
Theology in Action
The Talmud
The Theological Foundations of Rabbinic Midrash
Jeremiah in Talmud and Midrash
Intellectual Templates of the Law of Judaism
Analytical Templates of the Bavli
Halakhic Theology
The Implicit Norms of Rabbinic Judaism
Ancient Israel, Judaism, and Christianity in Contemporary Perspective
Praxis and Parable
How Important Was the Destruction of the Second Temple in the Formation of Rabbinic Judaism?
Parsing the Torah
Judaism in Monologue and Dialogue
Is Scripture the Origin of Halakhah?
The Vitality of Rabbinic Imagination
Theological Dictionary of Rabbinic Judaism
Children of the Flesh, Children of the Promise
Fellowship in Judaism
Introduction to American Judaism
Judaism as Philosophy
How Not to Study Judaism
How Not to Study Judaism, Examples and Counter-Examples Volume Two
Torah Through the Ages
Rabbinic Literature and the New Testament
Judaism in Society
Judaism and Scripture
Androgynous Judaism
Why This, Not That?
The Torah and the Halakhah
Halakhic Hermeneutics
Midrash as Literature
Jews and Christians
Texts Without Boundaries: Protocols of Non-Documentary Writing in the Rabbinic Canon Volume 2
Rabbinic Narrative: A Documentary Perspective (4 Vols)
Major Trends in Formative Judaism, Fifth Series
Major Trends in Formative Judaism, Fourth Series
Texts Without Boundaries: Protocols of Non-Documentary Writing in the Rabbinic Canon Volume 3
Texts Without Boundaries: Protocols of Non-Documentary Writing in the Rabbinic Canon Volume 4
Texts Without Boundaries: Protocols of Non-Documentary Writing in the Rabbinic Canon Volume 1
Talmud Torah
The Unity of Rabbinic Discourse
The Social Teachings of Rabbinic Judaism (3 Vols)
Recovering Judaism
Tosefta (Third Division)
Tosefta (Fourth Division)
History of Jews in Babylonia III
History of Jews in Babylonia V
A History of the Jews in Babylonia
Aphrahat and Judaism
Approaches to Ancient Judaism
The Components of the Rabbinic Documents, From the Whole to the Parts
What, Exactly, Did the Rabbinic Sages Mean by "The Oral Torah"
Rabbi Talks with Jesus
The Four Stages of Rabbinic Judaism
Theology of the Oral Torah
The Economics of the Mishnah
The Talmud of the Land of Israel, An Academic Commentary
Symbol and Theology in Early Judaism
Invitation to the Talmud
The Place of the Tosefta in the Halakhah of Formative Judaism
The Documentary Form-History of Rabbinic Literature
From Scripture to 70
The Talmud of the Land of Israel
Jewish Law from Moses to the Mishnah
How Adin Steinsaltz Misrepresents the Talmud
The Components of the Rabbinic Documents
The Components of the Rabbinic Documets, From the Whole to the Parts
Approaches to Ancients Judaism
The Theology of Rabbinic Judaism
The Components of the Rabbinic Documents, From the Whole to theParts
The Ecology of Religion
Stranger at Home
The Two Talmuds Compared
The Talmud of Babylonia
Religion and Law
The Talmud of Babylonia, An Academic Commentary
The Talmudic Anthology in Three Volumes
Scripture and Midrash in Judaism
Judaism in Modern Times
Talmudic Dialects
Approaches to Ancient Judaism Volume 8
The Talmud of Babylonia Volume 4
Religion and the Social Order
The Initial Phases of the Talmud's Judaism
The Judaic Law of Baptism
The Midrash
The Mishnah
Rabbinic Judaism
Die Gestaltwerdung Des Judentums
From Text to Historical Context in Rabbinic Judaism
The Yerushalmi--the Talmud of the Land of Israel
Âbo Addresses
Classical Judaism: Torah, Learning, Virtue
How Judaism Reads the Torah I / II
How Judaism Reads the Torah, III
Judaism and Zoroastrianism at the Dusk of Late Antiquity
A Short History of Judaism
Judaism and Story
The Incarnation of God
History of the Jews in the Second Through Seventh Centuries of the Common Era
The Literature of Formative Judaism
Christian Faith and the Bible of Judaism
The Discourse of the Bavli
The Rules of Composition of the Talmud of Babylonia
The Oral Torah
Judaism in the Matrix of Christianity
The Enchantments of Judaism
Uniting the Dual Torah
Midrashan Introduction (The Library of classical Judaism)
Scriptures of the Oral Torah
Tractate Niddah, Chapters 4-10
Judaism, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism in Talmudic Babylonia
Judaism and its Social Metaphors
The Religious World of Contemporary Judaism
Songs of Songs Rabbah
Medium and Message in Judaism. First Series
Understanding Seeking Faith
From Literature to Theology in Formative Judaism
A Religion of Pots and Pans?
Mekhilta According to Rabbi Ishmael
Ruth Rabbah
The Religious Study of Judaism. Vol.4 Ideals of History, Ethics, Ontology, and Religion in Formative Judaism
Struggle for the Jewish Mind
New Perspectives on Ancient Judaism. Vol.2 Religion, Literature and Society in Ancient Israel. Formative Christianity and Judaism
First Principles of Systematic Analysis
Vanquished Nation, Broken Spirit
The Wonder-Working Lawyers of Talmudic Babylonia
The Religious Study of Judaism
Canon and Connection
Why No Gospels in Talmudic Judaism?
Pesiqta deRab Kahana, Vol. II
Pesiqta deRab Kahana
The Mishnah Before 70
Sifre to Deuteronomy
Israel's Politics in Sasanian Iran
Israel and Iran in Talmudic Times
Ancient Judaism and Modern Category-Formation
Sifré to Numbers
Sifre to Numbers
Reading and Believing
The Fathers According to Rabbi Nathan
Genesis Rabbah
Formative Judaism, Fifth Series
The Integrity of Leviticus Rabbah
The Memorized Torah
Genesis and Judaism
The Talmud of the Land of Israel: Sanhedrin and Makkot v. 31
How to Grade Your Professors
In Search of Talmud Biography
In Search of Talmudic Biography
From Mishnah to Scripture
Tractate Sanhedrin, Chapters 1-3
Tractate Sanhedrin, Chapters 4-8
Formative Judaism
Judaism in the American Humanities
Method and Meaning in Ancient Judaism, Second Series
Method and Meaning in Ancient Judaism, Third Series
Method and Meaning in Ancient Judaism
Judaism in the Secular Age