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Works of Horace (Odes, Epodes, Satires, Epistles and The Art of Poetry)
Q Horatii Flacci Epistolae Ad Pisones, Et Augustum With an English Commentary and Notes to Which Are Added, Two Dissertations: The One, on the Provinces of the Drama: The Other, on Poetical Imitation:
A Poetical Translation of the Works of Horace With the Original Text, and Critical Notes Collected from His Best Latin and French Commentators. in Four Volumes. the Fourth Edition, Revised and Correct
Q. Horatii Flacci Epistolae Ad Pisones, Et Augustum The One, on the Provinces of the Several Species of Dramatic Poetry; The Other, on Poetical Imitation. the Second Edition, Corrected and Enlarged. V
Q. Horatii Flacci Epistolae Ad Pisones, Et Augustum With an English Commentary and Notes: To Which Are Added Critical Dissertations. by the Reverend Mr. Hurd. in Three Volumes. the Fifth Edition, Corr
Q. Horatii Flacci Epistolae Ad Pisones, Et Augustum With an English Commentary and Notes: To Which Are Added Critical Dissertations. in Three Volumes. the Fifth Edition, Vol. II. the Fifth Edition, Co
Q. Horatii Flacci Epistolae Ad Pisones, Et Augustum With an English Commentary and Notes: To Which Are Added Critical Dissertations. in Three Volumes. the Fifth Edition, Vol. III. the Fifth Edition, C
Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera.
A Poetical Translation of the Works of Horace With the Original Text, and Critical Notes Collected from His Best Latin and French Commentators. by the Revd Mr. Philip Francis. in Four Volumes. the Fif
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