GIOVANNI MAZZANTI, PHD, is an Associate Professor at the University of Bologna where he teaches high-voltage engineering and power quality. He is an active researcher in the field of power engineering and has published more than seventy peer-reviewed papers and articles. He is a member of IEEE-PES and IEEE-DEIS. Since October 2012, he has chaired the new IEEE-DEIS Technical Committee on HVDC cable systems.
MASSIMO MARZINOTTO, PHD, works at Terna (the Italian TSO) in the HDVC systems area dealing with cables, insulators, surge arresters, insulation coordination, HVDC converters, and HVDC electrodes. He is a member of IEEE-DEIS, IEEE-PES and CIGRE, a Senior Member of the IEEE, and is active in various IEEE and CIGRE working groups and committees. He is also author or coauthor of several publications on IEEE transactions and conferences.