Steve McQueen is a celebrated artist and filmmaker renowned for his uncompromising vision. McQueen has directed five feature films, including the Oscar-winning 12 Years a Slave and most recently Blitz. He has won numerous awards including the Turner Prize in 1999. His work has been featured in Documenta (1997 & 2002), and he represented the United Kingdom at the 2009 Venice Biennale. He has held solo exhibitions at prominent institutions such as the Art Institute of Chicago (2012), Schaulager, Basel (2013), Tate Modern (2020) and Dia Beacon, New York (2024). Projects include Year 3 at Tate Britain (2019) and Grenfell at the Serpentine South Gallery (2023). In 2020, McQueen made Small Axe, a five-part film anthology about London's West Indian community. He co-directed Uprising (2021), a documentary on the 1981 New Cross Fire.