Prof. Avinash Kumar Agarwal: Prof. Avinash Kumar Agarwal joined IIT Kanpur in 2001. Prof. Agarwal was at ERC, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA as a Post-Doctoral Fellow (1999 - 2001). His areas of interest are IC engines, combustion, alternative fuels, hydrogen, conventional fuels, lubricating oil tribology, optical diagnostics, laser ignition, HCCI, emission and particulate control, and large bore engines. Prof. Agarwal has published more than 200 peer reviewed international journal and conference papers. He is associate editor of ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, and International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing. He has edited "Handbook of Combustion" (5 Volumes; 3168 pages), published by Wiley VCH, Germany. Prof. Agarwal is a Fellow of SAE (2012), Fellow of ASME (2013) and a Fellow of INAE (2015). Prof. Agarwal is the recipient of Prestigious Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize-2016 in Engineering Sciences.