Prof. Dr. A.J. Sguarezi Filho received his Ph. D. degree from Campinas University in Brazil in 2010. He is a full-time professor at Federal University of ABC-UFABC, in Santo André, Brazil, teaching in the areas of electrical machines, power electronics and electrical drives. His research interests are machine drives, wind, and photovoltaic energies, doubly fed induction generators, electric vehicles, power control, and electrical power systems. He is Senior Member of IEEE. He has published book chapters, papers in conferences and journals. He is advisor of more than 30 master and Ph.D. theses. He is Associate Editor of IEEE ACCESS and Springer Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems.
Prof. Dr. Rogerio V. Jacomini received his M.S. and doctorate degrees from State University of Campinas, Brazil, in 2008 and 2012, respectively. Currently, he is a professor at Sao Paulo Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology - IFSP, Hortolandia, Brazil. His research interests are machine driv