Dr. Abdel Salam Hamdy Makhlouf is a Professor of Materials Science and Technology in the Central Metallurgical Research and Development Institute, and a Consultant and Expert Reviewer for several international companies, funding agencies and universities, and Advisor Editor for Elsevier, USA. He has won numerous national and international prestigious awards including Humboldt Research Award for Experienced Scientists at Max Planck Institute, Germany, Fulbright Visiting Scholar, NSF Fellow, and Dept. of Energy Fellow, USA, Belgian Federal Science Research Fellowship, Arab Youth Excellence Award in Innovation, Shoman Award in Engineering Science, National Prize of Egypt in Advanced Science and Technology, Egyptian Prize of Excellence in Surface Technology and Corrosion, Egyptian Prize of Excellence and Innovation in Materials Science and their Applications 2009, and An-Najah Prize for Research. Dr. Makhlouf is the editor of 13 books, 20 book chapters and over 180 articles. He is Senior Editor of Insciences Jour